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Guangbo Group's 2023 annual economic work conference was successfully held
Release time:2023-01-30 Browse times:3362

On January 29, 2023, Guangbo Group's 2023 annual economic work conference was held in the report hall of the conference center of Guangbo New Materials Industrial Park (Huang'ai).More than 200 people, including the party committee of the group company, the senior leadership, the directors of each branch company and outstanding typical representatives, gathered at the conference to summarize the past and look forward to the future.

At the beginning of the conference, Wang Junping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee and general manager of the group company, made the annual work report of the group. In the report, general manager Wang Junping reviewed the business achievements of Guangbo Group in 2022 in detail, analyzed the existing problems, and put forward the business objectives and key work requirements of each business unit in 2023.Mr. Wang said that in 2022, the company took the board of directors as the core, actively sought changes and responded, courageously moved forward, and handed over a hard-won transcript with the joint efforts of everyone.In the new year, the company should closely focus on the general principle of "demand-oriented and action-oriented to make impossible possible", firmly implement the corporate cultural values, continue to strengthen the construction of talent system, effectively integrate resources, create all-round differentiated competitiveness, form high-quality development synergy, and achieve effective improvement in quality and reasonable growth in quantity.


Subsequently, the conference commended the advanced collective and outstanding management cadres in 2022 and affirmed the value they created in their work. Chairman Wang Liping and general manager Wang Junping presented awards to them respectively.




Then, the principals and typical representatives of each major business sector made thematic reports respectively, summarizing the year 2022 and planning the year 2023.


Finally, Wang Liping, secretary of the party committee and chairman of the group company, delivered an important speech. Chairman Wang Liping first evaluated the operation and management of the group company in 2022.He pointed out that in the thirtieth anniversary of the founding of Guangbo Group in 2022, in a complex and severe environment with volatile internal and external situations, the company complied with the changes of the times, continued to explore and innovate, and achieved the development goal of "living", "standing up" and "running out".Traditional foreign trade has seized new opportunities to seek new development, the domestic market has achieved good results in continuous reform, the private brand has steadily expanded the market, the production system has been refined and planned to improve work efficiency, and the administrative and logistics services have promoted cultural construction. The member enterprises of the holding company face the challenges directly, face the difficulties and develop business through multiple channels.


The year 2023 is the beginning year of the fourth decade formulated by the group company, and also the key year for the company to stand on a new starting point and layout new development.

Mr. Wang requested that the joint-stock company should create a new milestone in the global layout of the industrial chain, the integrated development of domestic and foreign sales, digital applications, cross-border brand e-commerce, cultural and creative industries, and government-enterprise business.New material companies should strengthen the introduction and cultivation of talents, accelerate the research and development of non-nickel, copper and silver powders and market expansion. Holding companies should adhere to market orientation and promote a new round of development. Chairman Wang Liping elaborated the strategic priorities in three aspects:

First, improve enterprise’s core competitiveness

Building a global Guangbo and improving core competitiveness directly determine the long-term and steady development and progress of enterprises. In terms of talents, we will continue to introduce high-level, sophisticated and professional talents at home and abroad, cultivate a group of young management cadres with passion and innovation, and form a staff team with reasonable structure and ability to do things.In terms of digitalization, with the help of information and application scenarios provided by big data, let employees become the community of enterprise value creation. As a global group enterprise, through the effective guidance of corporate culture, we can empower employees at home and abroad and upstream and downstream enterprises to jointly build a virtuous development ecosystem.

Second, strengthen global brand building

Economic globalization is the trend of historical development. Brand is the comprehensive embodiment of the international competitiveness of enterprises. Brand globalization has become an important part of global competition. We should take the initiative, continue to go global, market-oriented, focus on brand cultivation and construction, innovate products and sales channels, continue to solve consumer pain points, fully promote the global development strategy of Guangbo brand, and strive to build Guangbo into a global resource allocation platform.

Third, deeply expand the new material industry

Green development will become an important trend in global economy and industry. The company should expand the development of new products, search for markets other than nickel and copper powder, fill market gaps, improve product quality, improve process measures, and meet customers' demand for high-quality products. Accelerate the construction of silver-coated copper powder and silicon powder projects, strengthen the interaction with leading enterprises in the industry, carry out in-depth industrial layout through internal incubation and industrial integration mode, provide continuous power for the development of the company, and contribute to the low-carbon life of the world.


Facing the next decade, Chairman Wang encouraged everyone to seize opportunities in adversity and challenges, find answers in action and thinking, and find their own value in the tide of the development of the times.

 Finally, Chairman Wang Liping proposed that in the next ten years, the Group will continue to promote reform and innovation, and move towards the goal of becoming an innovation-led, technology-driven and respected enterprise for a century.


 This meeting specially opened two online sub-venues, Vietnam and Suqian, to participate in the meeting synchronously. In addition, the meeting also arranged group discussions and visits. Vice Chairman Dai Guoping presided over the meeting.


  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin