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"Move forward with heavy load and dare to take responsibility" -- Guangbo Group held the 2022 economic work conference
Release time:2022-01-17 Browse times:2890

On January 15, Guangbo Group held the 2022 economic work conference, which was attended by more than 160 senior leaders of the group company and middle-level management cadres of Ningbo headquarters. The conference reviewed and summarized the achievements and shortcomings of 2021, deployed the work plan for the new year and defined the development objectives for the new year. Wang Liping, secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the group company, attended the meeting and made an important speech. Wang Junping, deputy secretary of the Party committee and general manager of the group company, made the work report.


Chairman Wang Liping delivered an important speech on "moving forward with heavy load and daring to take responsibility". He affirmed the work and achievements of the past year and thanked Guangbo people who worked hard on all fronts. He pointed out that in addition to clarifying the business indicators and tasks of this year, the conference should also plan the development of the next three to five years, and write a new chapter for the 30th anniversary of the company with better performance.


He said that the past year was the beginning of the 14th five year plan, the year when the two centenary goals met in history, and the year when the group company took advantage of the momentum. Facing the complex internal and external environment and many challenges and difficulties, the group has unified its thinking, always adhered to the development mission of "focusing on cutting-edge development and boosting industrial development", continued to implement and promote the corporate culture and the core values of "orderly development, sharing achievements and creating value for customers", worked together in all sectors and created a new economic situation. The main production and operation indicators meet the target of prediction.


He stressed that in the new era and new process, Guangbo Group needs to complete the "three hundred" goals of 100 overseas employees, 100 overseas stores and a starting point of one million US dollars in the spirit of "moving forward with heavy load, daring to work hard and taking responsibility", so as to make Guangbo's own products vertically break through the first echelon of entering the domestic and foreign markets. To develop, the company should constantly expand itself and constantly explore the market. Both business expansion and capital expansion are the embodiment of the confidence of the company in the future, as well as the embodiment of the sense of mission and responsibility.

 Finally, Wang Liping pointed out that 2022 is the 30th anniversary of the founding of Guangbo Group. Looking back on the past struggle process, self confidence supported all Guangbo people to forge ahead and shaped the quality of Guangbo people's pioneering and innovative and never say die. That magnificent era of entrepreneurship is not far away, which encourages us to move towards further goals. We should always bear in mind that great employees make great enterprises, and great enterprises make great employees!    


At the meeting, general manager Wang Junping gave a detailed report on the overall work of the group company in the past year. He pointed out that although the company's operation is facing a series of pressures and challenges, the company still works hard, actively plans and makes unremitting efforts to complete the annual business objectives. The company has continued the overall stable and good development trend in operation, and is developing with high quality. For the 2022 plan, Wang Junping said that the company will be driven by innovation and reform, guided by performance improvement, increase investment in innovation and development, and improve differentiation ability. Continue to optimize organizational structure and process change to improve operation efficiency. Strengthen the construction of talent system, improve team quality and promote high-quality development. Take the company's cultural value as the core, gather consensus and work together to achieve a new high.


The meeting also held a grand commendation, and Shu Yueping, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the group company, read out the commendation documents and the introduction of advanced deeds. Vietnam production base was awarded the 2021 special persistence award of Guangbo Group. The quality department, government and enterprise business department, Suqian production base and Yongtaiping import and export company of the joint stock company were rated as advanced collectives, and Wang Feiyun, Zhou Manhong, Sun Yunhua and Shu Boping were rated as excellent management cadres.

At the meeting, the person in charge of each branch also made a statement. In order to stimulate the business vitality of the branch, a contract signing ceremony of chunxun company was held at the meeting. In the group discussion session, all participants expressed their views and put forward many constructive opinions and suggestions in combination with their own work.

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