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Hold high the patriotic flag of the May 4th movement and show Guangbo youth style
Release time:2021-05-06 Browse times:2868

Spread the spirit of the May 4th movement and show the style of youth.On April 30, 2021, Guangbo Group launched a Youth League construction activity with the theme of "holding high the patriotic flag of the May 4th movement and showing Guangbo youth style". More than 40 Guangbo youth commemorated the lofty patriotic feelings and revolutionary spirit of the pioneers of the May 4th movement through this red footprint activity.




At 12:30, the youth participating in the youth league construction activities gathered at the gate of the administrative building of the company and were ready to go. Shu Yueping, deputy secretary of the Party committee of Guangbo Group, delivered a mobilization speech. He hoped that through this activity, the youth could understand the spirit of the May 4th Movement and respond to the call of the party. Secondly, through today's activities,  the youth of various departments can unite and help each other, work hand in hand, and carry forward their style in their respective posts. At the same time, he also carefully advise everyone to pay attention to safety during the activities.




The first stop of the activity came to the ancient red road in Huimin village, Hengjie town. Huimin village is surrounded by mountains on all sides,as a red fortress village in Siming Mountain revolutionary base, Huimin village played an important role in the revolution.In order to commemorate the revolutionary martyrs in Huimin village, the villagers built the ancient red road here. Along the path, you can see the statues of the young martyrs who gave their lives for their ideals in their most youthful years.Looking at their stories, the Youth League members expressed that the peace, stability, prosperity and strength of the motherland are hard to win, and they should integrate and carry forward the heroic spirit of their ancestors in their future life.




The second stop of the activity came to Maoxin village, Gulin Town, where members of the Youth League visited the imperial censor Zhong Cheng Di. What is particularly unique is that Maoxin village, a town full of historical profundity, is also a demonstration village of aerospace dream in the new era.When remembering the history, Maoxin village should not forget to shoulder the responsibility for the future. Associated with the achievements of new China, the Youth League members have strengthened their confidence in building a socialist society with Chinese characteristics in the new era.




After visiting Maoxin village, according to the activity arrangement, 36 Youth League members were divided into four groups and played a series of exciting games in the form of team battle."Blind fight", "a circle to the end", "jump rope", "hand and foot", one by one, Guangbo young people became more familiar with each other, but also mobilized the competitive spirit of each group. Even under the high temperature, they were determined to win the first place in the final "brand tearing war".In the five minutes of you come and I go, they all try their best to show the fighting posture and youth color of Guangbo youth. Finally, the blue team won the victory.

Through this activity, Guangbo youths not only studied and implemented the spirit of the May 4th movement, but also enhanced their tacit understanding of unity and cooperation and courage to face difficulties.As a new reserve force of Guangbo, young people must have a dream and a good mind, together with persistent investment and action, turn ideas into practice, carry forward the fine tradition of Guangbo, which is modest and studious, low-key and pragmatic, forge ahead together, face the future, and create a bright future of Guangbo!

  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin