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Guangbo Group held a demonstration party lesson of "knowing the history of the party and being a Guangbo person in the new era"
Release time:2020-09-30 Browse times:2910

On the morning of September 30, on the memorial day of Chinese martyrs, the demonstration party course of "knowing the party history and being a Guangbo person in a new era" was held in the digital training hall of Guangbo (Ningbo) Industrial Park, and comrade Shu Yueping, deputy secretary of the Party committee of Guangbo Group, gave a lecture in person.

Secretary Shu deeply narrates the major historical events since the founding of the Communist Party of China in the past 99 years. It is divided into six chapters: the difficulties and hardships in the early days of the founding of the CPC, the indomitability of the war of resistance against Japan, the courage of the war of liberation, the great achievements of the reform and opening up, and the fulfillment of the mission of the new era.


In this class, Secretary Shu vividly reappeared the story of the revolutionary predecessors who accepted Marxism thought, fought bravely against the reactionary forces at home and abroad, and constantly explored to save the nation from subjugation with the immersive lecture style and real event cases, showing the magnificent picture of the CPC leading the people of all ethnic groups in the country to build a new socialist China after the founding of new China, especially after the reform and opening up. With its selfless and fearless spirit and loyalty to the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, the Communist Party of China has changed the historical destiny of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people.

Secretary Shu pointed out in the party lesson that we study the party's history in order to better inherit the party's fine tradition, be loyal to the party's cause and stick to the original mission. As a new era of Guangbo people, we should be loyal to the mission, to the enterprise, to the post, to the staff, to the system and to ourselves. The grand ideal of a century Guangbo should be realized by the joint efforts of all the staff, and Guangbo culture should be condensed and sublimated by everyone. In the face of the national conditions, party and enterprise conditions in the new era, Party members and cadres should actively practice the socialist core values, be a knowledgeable person who loves the party, loves patriotism and socialism, loves enterprises, posts and colleagues, and loves himself, his family and society.

Nearly 100 Party committee members, Party branch secretaries, management cadres and Party member representatives attended the training.

  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin