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Forge ahead and leap forward ---Guangbo Group semi annual economic work meeting held
Release time:2020-07-28 Browse times:3264

On July 25, Guangbo group held the semi annual economic work meeting in 2020, with nearly 200 senior leaders, all middle-level managers and representatives at all levels attending the meeting. The conference reviewed and summarized the work in the first half of the year, and deployed the main work and future development direction in the second half of the year. President Wang Liping, secretary of the Party committee, attended the meeting and made an important speech. Wang Junping, general manager of the group company, made a semi annual work report.

General manager Wang Junping pointed out in the work report: in the first half of 2020, in the face of the overall requirements of the epidemic challenge and epidemic prevention and return to work, the whole company work together, actively plan, adhere to the work objectives set at the beginning of the year as the guidance, and actively promote the work to achieve results.

Regarding the work plan for the second half of the year, Mr. Wang said that the environment faced by the company in the second half of the year was still complicated. After the tempering in the first half of the year, our team became more competitive. At present, although the domestic epidemic situation has been basically stable, there are still many uncertain factors in the overall business environment. Therefore, the whole staff of the company should continue to focus on the improvement of management, adhere to the value driven, carry forward the spirit of "pursuit of excellence, perseverance and success", effectively implement management standardization and refinement, and build a flexible, efficient and innovative operation and management system, jointly promote the group's overall quality improvement and development.


As an important part of the meeting, President Wang Liping made a concluding speech on the meeting. He said that in 2020, the "great change not seen in a century" will accelerate the evolution. The competition among big powers is complex and fierce, and the world is ushering in a time of full of variables, opportunities and challenges. At the same time, 2020 is the year for China to achieve its first centenary goal. How to recognize the situation and find a path suitable for its own development? It is our primary task to ensure the market, order and supply chain stability of the industry chain, and spare no effort to promote the stability and quality improvement of domestic and foreign trade business. In the second half of the year, the group will focus on the implementation of brand strategy, R & D strategy, transformation strategy and talent strategy to accelerate the leapfrog development of the group company.

Finally, President Wang asked all the cadres to set an example and forge ahead with more firm confidence, more enthusiasm, more pragmatic style and more powerful measures to comprehensively push forward the annual work to a new level



The meeting commended the advanced collectives and individuals in the early stage of epidemic prevention and return to work, and representatives of various modules and departments made exchange speeches.

  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin