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Start again丨Guangbo holds 2019 annual commendation conference and Spring Festival Gala
Release time:2020-01-22 Browse times:3629

On the afternoon of January 21, Guangbo auditorium was ablaze with lights and laughter. With the jubilant atmosphere, Guangbo group's 2019 annual commendation conference and Spring Festival Gala have opened. Senior leaders of the group company and employees who stick to the front line gather together to review the achievements in 2019, look forward to the development in 2020, and jointly welcome the arrival of the Spring Festival.

At the meeting, Wang Liping, Secretary of the Party committee and chairman of the group company, delivered a congratulatory speech for the new year. He reviewed the work of the past year, deployed and planned the goals of the new year, and expressed his gratitude to all employees. Later, he wished all the staff a happy new year and all the best.

In the past year, a large number of excellent employees have made outstanding contributions to Guangbo’s reform and innovation development, and made indelible sacrifice for Guangbo’s higher quality development. In order to carry forward the advanced and praise the typical, the company specially praised the collective and individual who have worked hard and created great value in the past year. Shu Yueping, deputy secretary of the Party committee of the group company, announced the list of advanced workers in 2019. The top management of the group presented awards and took photos for the winners respectively.

With the end of advanced commendation, the Spring Festival Gala officially kicked off. The theme of the whole party is "celebrating the new year and winning the future", which shows the spirit of continuous struggle and progress of Guangbo people.

The opening dance "get together" immediately aroused the whole atmosphere. The red and fiery scenes, exciting music and powerful movements all let the audience feel the thick atmosphere of the Spring Festival ahead of time.

Pop songs "balloon of confession" and "price tag" bring us a feast of hearing.

Later, the songs of the tiktok dance were combined with traditional and modern ways, which made people feel the charm of the current elements.

With humorous language and popular jokes, the talk show "happy with you" made the audience laugh.

Magic "mirage" used beautiful scenes to let us know what is visual impact.

The programs on the stage are so wonderful and the audience enjoy them a lot. And the interactive links in the lottery set off another round of climax. Huawei mobile phones, LCD TVs and other prizes made the audience look forward to them. With the deepening of the party, prizes were drawn out one by one.

In the song "stay true to the mission", the Spring Festival Gala officially came to an end. Let's pack up our bags and start again. Let's climb the peak hand in hand. In the new year, let's firmly believe and use our hands together to create Guangbo’s more beautiful tomorrow.


  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin