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Cross border "business"! Tianyi Pavilion launched a joint attack with Guangbo to create a new cultural card of Ningbo
Release time:2019-10-17 Browse times:3807

One is the earliest existing private library in China. The other is the leading enterprise in the domestic stationery industry. It seems that the two have nothing to do with each other, but recently they have cooperated across the border to "do something".On October 17, in the International Convention and Exhibition Center, Tianyi Pavilion, together with kinbor, a fashion and living stationery brand under Guangbo, released a number of joint products, and announced that the two sides will work together to develop Tianyi Pavilion, a local IP with a strong historical background.

"Whether it's a reading suit with the charm of Jiangnan water town, a hand account suit reflecting Qin's stage style, or a 'book collection' suit with a tough pen edge, it well reflects the vast charm of Tianyi Pavilion." Said Zheng Weiwei, deputy director of Tianyi Pavilion.

Tianyi Pavilion, named after "water is the life of heaven and 60% of the earth", is the oldest library in Asia and one of the three earliest family libraries in the world. With a history of more than 400 years, it still stands here after many years of vicissitudes. Today's Tianyi Pavilion has already become a cultural landmark of Ningbo, attracting an endless stream of tourists. As the first listed stationery enterprise in China, Guangbo also plays an important role in the field of culture and innovation. This cooperation between the two sides can be regarded as a natural match.

This is not the first cooperation between Tianyige and Guangbo. In the first half of this year, T-mall launched the "national tide action" activity, which mainly promoted the local trend brand. Guangbo cooperated with Tianyi Pavilion for the first time, adding Tianyi Pavilion elements to some hand account products. And after the product was launched, it made a good response, which also laid the foundation for the second cooperation later. During the May Day holiday, Guangb o’s a large number of products were put on trial sale in Tianyi Pavilion, which is also the first unofficial brand to be sold in Tianyi Pavilion. "The effect is very good. Once it was launched, it caused a hot sale." Zheng Weiwei said. Guangbo’s understanding of traditional culture is in place, and it is reflected in the product design, which is also very consistent with the concept of Tianyi Pavilion. The two successful cooperation finally contributed to the formal cooperation.

As a leader in the field of stationery in China, Guangbo launched the concept of "breaking through the shackles of traditional stationery and integrating cultural elements into life" many years ago. Through the way of IP joint cooperation, as well as deep cooperation with the film and TV series "whether you know it or not, it should be green, fat, red and thin", "everything is good", "beauty and beast", the national mobile game "Yin Yang master", the popular literature "tomb robbing notes", the trend app "butter camera", "Netease Lofter", etc. In the traditional culture IP cooperative development, Guangbo is also at the forefront. Through the perfect integration of traditional culture and modern design concepts, it has established in-depth cooperation with the IP of China national museum, Nanjing museum, Ningbo museum, Shaoxing museum and other major museums, as well as famous artists such as master Zhimi, founder of Nanmen calligraphy, Zhu Jingyi. It timely launched the relevant joint products, and achieved great response.

"Our original intention is to integrate more traditional cultural elements into the products, and at the same time let the products better spread the deep connotation of traditional culture." Wang Junping, general manager of Guangbo Group, said. This cooperation with Tianyi Pavilion, in addition to the expansion of traditional culture IP network, Guangbo has a bigger idea. "As a local enterprise in Ningbo, we want to further explore the connotation and depth of Tianyi Pavilion, the local IP, and make Tianyi Pavilion a new business card of Ningbo culture. He said that in the next step, Guangbo will launch a series of joint products around Tianyi Pavilion, so that the cultural elements of Tianyi Pavilion can be reflected to the world through more products, and more people can learn about Tianyi Pavilion through its products.

"We also believe that Guangbo can better exert the IP energy of Tianyi Pavilion to the extreme”, Zheng Weiwei said.


  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin