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Brave to shoulder heavy burdens and strive for a hundred year---Guangbo held the theme education activity of "never forget the beginning and remember the mission"
Release time:2019-07-08 Browse times:3496

In order to focus on the overall situation of reform, development and stability, give full play to the leading role of the party committee, stimulate the Party organizations at all levels and the communist Party members' spirit of endeavour and practice, Guangbo Group party committee held the theme education activity of "never forget the beginning and remember the mission". Nearly 140 incumbent members of the company participated in the meeting. Members of the Group party committee attended the meeting, and Wang Liping, secretary of the party committee attended the meeting and made an important speech.

With the solemn national anthem, the conference officially opened. At the meeting, a swearing-in ceremony was held for preparatory party members to join the Party. In front of the bright red party flag, five reserve party members wore party emblems and held up their right fists and solemnly swore. 12 short affidavits to join the Party were strong. The voice of oath resounded through the whole lecture hall. The solemn ceremony shocked and baptized the hearts of all Party members.

As the important part of the meeting, the meeting commended advanced Party organizations and outstanding Party members. The Party branch of new material company has been awarded the title of "advanced Party organization”. Three comrades, Yang Xibo, Liu Huanhuan and Yao Ping, won the title of "excellent communist Party member". They have made remarkable achievements with their Guangbo spirit of persistent struggle and endless struggle. Next, the representative of the reserve party member Shi Wei, the representative of new party member Gao Yuan, the outstanding party member Yang Xibo, made speeches respectively. Over the past year, they have been aggressive and innovative, actively giving full play to the vanguard and exemplary role of Party members and promoting positive energy, which has set a positive example for the company's development and social progress.

At the end of the meeting, Wang Liping, secretary of the Party committee of the Group company, gave a special party lesson. He pointed out, the original intention and mission of the communists of China is to seek happiness for the people and seek rejuvenation for the nation. As a result of this, all Party members should adhere to the "four self-confidence" of road self-confidence, theoretical self-confidence, institutional self-confidence and cultural self-confidence. Should adhere to the basic line of "centering on economic construction, adhering to the four basic principles and adhering to reform and opening-up". Adhere to deepening reform in an all-round way and administering the country according to law in an all-round way, firm the great dream and bear the historical mission bravely.

Wang Liping said that for a long time, the Party committee of the Group has always paid close attention to the Party building work around the requirements of "strengthening the core and solidifying the people's hearts", firmly set up the concept of promoting enterprise development by enterprise party building. During this period, the majority of Party members made clear their identities and established brand names. Consciously fulfill the obligations of Party members and carry forward the revolutionary spirit. They have set an example for Party members and cadres in their work and life.

Wang Liping raised ardent hopes for all Party members. He stressed that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the realization of the Chinese dream needs a vanguard team led by a contingent of outstanding Party members and cadre. The development of the group company also needs everyone's hard work, to lay a solid foundation for the company's new round of innovation and development. He called on all of us to achieve the "Four Principles”. That is to say, to face right and wrong without ambiguity, to uphold the right path and to stimulate the spirit of unremitting idleness, take the right road, use the right impartially, do business bravely and shoulder heavy responsibilities without blame. In the process of building Guangbo’s ambitious goal for a century, continue to carry forward the vanguard exemplary leading role, bravely meet challenge, and make efforts to become the core force in the reform and development of company management.

  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin