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Guangbo held domestic sales year-end meeting
Release time:2019-01-04 Browse times:3240
      On January 17, Guangbo held the 2018 annual domestic sales year-end meeting. More than 160 people including production and sales representatives and middle-level management cadres of the industrial company attended the meeting. Jiang zhuguo, general manager of the industrial company attended the meeting, and Wang Junping, general manager of the group company attended the meeting and made an important speech.

      The conference reviewed the marketing performance of Guangbo stationery in the domestic market in the past year. In the past year, when the domestic economic situation was sluggish and all kinds of markets were in the cold winter, Guangbo stationery went against the trend and achieved a substantial increase in sales, among which the business of government and enterprise sectors and overseas sectors were greatly improved. At the same time, it opened Pinduoduo , Vipshop platform, further expanding the marketing network. In terms of brand promotion, the brand influence has been continuously expanded through participating in Shanghai Frankfurt exhibition, ADM exhibition and taobao creation festival. At the same time began the IP cooperation strategy, through the cooperation with the popular TV series "know, know, should be green or fat ", taking a new step in joint marketing.

     The assembly also made a detailed plan of 2019 work, and put forward around the "quality" + "brand"+ "product" doctrine of the unity of the overall marketing strategy. Strengthen the control of product quality, increase brand promotion efforts, accelerate the speed of product updates. At the same time, build a featured e-commerce with "content marketing" and "product marketing", and realize the dual track development of online and offline.

      Then, each distribution representative and department manager summarized and reported the work of the past year. In view of the problems in the reporting, everyone conducted in-depth discussion and exchange, and put forward many constructive solutions and opinions.

       At the end of the meeting, Wang Junping, general manager of the group company, made an important speech. He affirmed the achievements made in the past year. Wang Junping pointed out that in the current environment of blocked export and foreign markets, the domestic market is the area that should be focused on. The achievements in the past year are worth encouraging, but the goal of the next year still needs to be made step by step. He said, in order to ensure the continuous and rapid development of the company, to stand out in the current market competition, we must have the ability to create a professional platform, to use professional management, professional design, professional production, professional marketing to achieve the goal. At the same time, it actively carries out multi-party cooperation to expand its "circle of friends" and achieve win-win results. In addition, but also firmly grasp the market direction, insight into the market, and take this as the guide, develop and produce new products at the earliest time.

      Finally, Wang Junping asked all the staff to build up confidence, make up their minds, determine a good goal, and keep a good state. We must have a sense of urgency to meet challenges at all times, work fast, implement our plans, correct our attitude and strengthen our awareness. We must be bold to move forward, dare to venture, dare to explore, dare to innovate, and strive for the realization of the New Year's business objectives.
  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin