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Series report of the example is on the side-- "Iron Lady" Teng Hongying
Release time:2018-05-03 Browse times:3425

In the workshop of the no.3 branch box making album, Teng Hongying is always the busiest one. Whether it is crushing, workbench finishing or sanitation cleaning, or product quality inspection, machine debugging and maintenance, she can do, can also do well. Every day, she always makes full arrangements for her work. As the leader of the box making team, she has been strict with herself for more than ten years. And she has long been labelled with diligence and diligence.

Teng Hongying, from Guizhou, has been working in Guangbo for 14 years. Although she is not tall, she is a straight woman who works boldly. At the just concluded "Guangbo Star" campaign, she was elected leader of the star class with a high vote.

Management is like iron, group members are highly efficient 

The "Iron Lady" knows how to get things done. “No matter how lazy a person is, she can make that person become a person who obeys command and works hard.” Workshop director Tu Qu Kun said, 20 employees of the box making group have become "high-yield stars" under Teng Hongying's hands. 

What kind of management method has such magic power? Teng Hongying said, in fact, "stick" and "carrot". “Under the premise of doing the job well, we must strictly manage the team members. Mistakes must be corrected, timely education. At the same time, we can get closer to everyone in private and interact with them in WeChat group.” Yin Lihua, an old employee who worked with her for over ten years, said, in her impression, Teng Hongying and her private working state are two people. “She always has a serious face on her face at work. She is the other one in private, not only laughing and talking with everyone, but also occasionally making interesting passages in WeChat group.” said Yin Lihua.

Teng Hongying's way is really effective. When it comes to the production season, when she needs to work overtime regularly, she can not only take the lead, but also arouse the enthusiasm of the whole group. 

Once there was a big order, Teng Hongying's team was required to complete 270 thousand products in one and a half months. "At that time, we had to do only 4000 at most a day. During that time, it just caught up with the May Day holiday, and several employees has returned home. " Yin Lihua said. When the time is tight and the task is urgent, Teng Hongying first ensured the maximum efficiency of the production line through reasonable personnel distribution. Then, she gathered everyone together for a brief meeting. She said, “The next period will be very hard, and even the time for eating and sleeping will be reduced. But I'd like to take it with you.” A simple word immediately mobilized everyone's enthusiasm. All the members of the group played a twelve - point spirit. Even after the working hours, everyone volunteered to work overtime. The output also increased to 8000 daily, and the task was completed two days earlier than the prescribed time.

Carry out like iron, lean improvement to raise production

It is efficient not only in management but also in execution. Be good at using lean production knowledge and actively promote the improvement of lean production proposed by the company. The two production lines of the box making group is the best example. A few years ago, the box making group introduced two new production lines. One was to make wine bottles, one was to make small cards.  “The layout of the production line is based on the standard of reference. ” Tu Qukun said. But she did not expect that the two "standard" production lines would have greater energy after improvement.

Through observation, the company's technology department found, the production line of the original wine bottle box was inefficient in some links. The location of some articles and location of operation were too far away from each other. So that employees had unnecessary waiting time in the production process. According to the production plan designed by the Ministry of technology, under the guidance of Yang Wenya, the director of the factory, she led team members to readjust the layout of the pipeline, and cooperated with branch workshop to optimize production plan according to team production practice. After improvement, the production capacity of the bottle box production line increased from 4500 sets per day to 6000 sets per day. There were similar cases in the production line of small box cards. According to the requirements of branch workshop, Teng Hongying led the team to adjust and transform the operation position. It has formed a process from the box lid, bottom of the box, matching card, setting card, heat shrinkable and packaging.The output also increased from 40 thousand sets per month to 60 thousand sets per month.

The most dramatic change in output is the increase in the income of members. "Compared to the past, it was five hundred or six hundred yuan a month more, and at most you can get eight hundred yuan more.” Team member Zheng Mingmin said happily.

Personality like iron, self-study maintenance

Not only can have the workers on a hook, Teng Hongying was also very good at studying, “armed” herself. She also forced herself to learn a lot of "rough work", "heavy work" and "hard work". Maintenance machine was one of them.

There are two machines in the group. After the resignation of the original operator, it was handed over to Teng Hongying. The operation was not difficult, but maintenance made Teng Hongying have some headache. “The master of repairing machines is not to be called.” After several strikes, Teng Hongying decided to study machine maintenance herself. 

She turned to her husband for help, who’s responsible for the operation at no.4 branch. "In those days, her husband came here every day after work, punctually ‘punch card’, with a reluctant expression on his face. ” Zheng Mingmin said with a smile. And sometimes the principle that is not understood in the workshop, after returning home, Teng Hongying would continue to ask her husband around. "He didn't explain it to me, and I wouldn't let him go to bed.” she said, “Everyone can learn, why can’t I?”

With this tenacity, Teng Hongying understood the structure and working principle of the machine after a period of time. There is no need to worry about maintenance.

  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin