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The first "Guangbo Cup" fishing competition ended satisfactorily
Release time:2018-04-02 Browse times:3193

In the spring of March, it is good time to go outing. On the afternoon of March 31, the sun is shining, and the flowers are blooming in spring. The first "Guangbo Cup" fishing competition kicked off. About 20 fishing enthusiasts from each plant and company gathered together in beautiful Yinjiang, discussing fishing skills together and exchanging fishing experience.

It is understood that this fishing contest is Guangbo Group specially designed and prepared for the group's fishing enthusiasts. From the beginning of the application, it has received warm response from the staff of the group. Not only did fishing enthusiasts sign up with high enthusiasm, even those who do not have fishing experience want to try. Finally, after screening, more than 20 contestants appeared in the competition.

This competition adopts the evaluation method of time measurement. The contestants need to catch as many fish as possible in 2.5 hours. The final ranking will be determined according to the number of fish. The competition included one first prize, three second prize and six third prize.

With the whistle of the referee, the competition was officially opened. The players got into the game right away, nest, bait, hook...A series of actions show full "professional". Then, all of us went on to the pace of waiting, waiting for the fish to hook. The scene of the lively competition was quiet at once. The contestants hold their breath, staring at the hook. For a moment when the fish hooked, the rod was raised at any moment. As the fish tick up, the contestants had a smile on their faces.

After a fierce competition, Meng Weihua, who came from the plastic shop, won the championship, and got a fine set of fishing rods. Shi Junwei of the general affairs section got second. “Fishing is not a very popular hobby. But I am very happy that the company can think of our group of people, and hold such a competition for us.” One of the contestants said, despite in this fishing competition, he didn't catch a fish, but he was very happy. 

For a long time, Guangbo Group has attached great importance to the amateur cultural life of the staff. By holding all kinds of recreational activities, let employees' hobbies and interests be brought into full play. Next, Guangbo will carry out more interesting activities, let more and more employees get involved.

  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin