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President Wang Liping: without the wind and rain, can''t see the rainbowranteed
Release time:2010-11-18 Browse times:2153

On the afternoon of November 16, President Wang Liping pointed out when giving speech in Ningbo Tianyi Vocational and Technical College, college students should face the reality, establish a correct view of employment, constantly write the new movement of life.

Wang Liping said, since its establishment in 1992, Guangbo Group constantly surpass itself, from a small workshop with about million yuan in debt to modern enterprise group with the asset of nearly five billion yuan, which embodied all cadre workers' wisdom and the sweat. History and reality has repeatedly proved that whether individual or enterprise, could not yield fruitful results without hard work.

Wang Liping pointed out, employment, especially the employment of university students, is a comparatively realistic social problem for current China and even the whole world. Besides, the employment situation become more critical. In contrast, enterprise could not recruit good and steady industrial workers. Therefore, suggest college students should first learn the major well,  lower expectations, from the very beginning, first get employed then start an undertaking, constantly enrich work experience. 

Wang Liping emphasized, the present era's request on people becomes more and more harsh. However, having a sound professional skill is the most basic requirement for each employee, also the most basic need of various jobs. Imagine a person knows nothing about the basic knowledge of own field, how to conduct work? Therefore, the first task of students is studying professional knowledge hard.

Wang Liping emphasized that now employer recruit workers, no longer just look at the diploma, but comprehensively survey the applicant's execution, interpersonal skill these comprehensive abilities and potentials. Suggest students actively participate in various social practice activities, broaden own horizons and activity space, lay a good foundation for future employment and entrepreneurship.

Finally, Wang Liping said, "I believe, through unremitting efforts, students can create business belonging to themselves." And gave words to everyone, "without the wind and rain, can't see the rainbow."

When the speech ended, he accepted the questions from the students. 

  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin