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Guangbo party members went to Zhoushan to pay respects to revolutionary siteranteed
Release time:2010-07-01 Browse times:2305

On June 29, Guangbo Group organized party members to Zhoushan to pay respects to revolutionary site and cherish the memory of revolutionary martyrs. Party members all showed, change the ancestors' endless worship and memory into the driving force to study and work, further promote the activity of "striving to be the first".

At 9:00 a.m., party members went to the beautiful Zhoushan Archipelago, visited Opium War memorial hall and took pictures. More than 100 years ago, due to the corrupt and incompetent Qing government, the foreign aggressors launched the opium war, signed the humiliating "Nanjing Treaty". China since then turned from a feudal country into a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country. The Chinese nation started over 100 years' humiliating course, and the people suffered great calamities.

    89 years ago, the Chinese Communist was born, leading all the nationalities, rising up against  the enemies. Tens of millions of Chinese people and military, communist party members, dedicated precious life. In Zhoushan revolutionary martyr cemetery, laid flowers to martyrs commemorative plates like Lin Maocheng. In face of the bright-coloured party flag and Lin Maocheng martyrs commemorative plate, sworn a solemn oath, relived Party oath, showed never  betray the Party, be the pride of the Party, contributing own youth and strength to build a harmonious society.            

Leaders of Guangbo Group pointed out that paying respects to revolutionary site and cherishing the memory of revolutionary martyrs, should cherish today's hard-won happy life , should inherit  ancestors' unfulfilled wishes. Progress politically, study hard, be excellent at work, aim to serve the country, aim to serve the enterprise, develop in an all-around way, make a civilized person, a noble person, a selfless person, a trustworthy person who can withstand the tests of history, contribute to Guangbo's development in a concrete way.


  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin