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Guangbo Group league was elected as May 4 red flag of district levelranteed
Release time:2009-02-11 Browse times:2233

Recently, Guangbo Group league was elected as May 4 red flag of district level.

It is reported that Guangbo Group league was launched in May, 2000.After over eight years’development, at present it has about 500 registered league members. From eight years, with the correct leadership of company leaders, with the joint efforts of the whole young workers, Guangbo Group league set serving enterprise and serving young people as the general goal, develop work creatively, create the good atmosphere of youth, passion and joy for young team, play active role for the enterprise's harmony, stability and development, create new situation for the work of young employees, and has gained certain achievements. It has got the accreditation from higher authorities for many times.

In 2008, Guangbo Group league always put strengthening youth's ideological and political work as the primary task, with league cadre and the youth as main object, launch report on a special topic, exchange learning, educate and guide vast league members to further learn and carry out the "Three Represents" thought, constantly improve the ideological and political quality, stabilize ideals and beliefs. And through the ways of questionnaire and informal discussion, actively develop ideological investigation among the youth, accurately grasp young employees' requirements for company reform and development and self-development. Meanwhile, Guangbo Group league gave deepening example education together with company internal natual history. Actively elect excellent employees and advanced workers, take the opportunity of commemorating May 4 movement, carefully organize and develop various activities for the youth. Further foster vast young people's enthusiasm of learning the advanced, trying to be the advanced and dedicating for the enterprise, having made certain contribution for Guangbo Group's steady development.


  • WeiBo

  • WeiXin